JnC Music Centre

Golden Standard Of Music Education

Explore Your Musical Talent With Us​!

Who We Are

A leading music education provider in town

Independently owned and run music school, JnC Music Centre believes in offering more when it comes to service, education, and excellence. Since our establishment in 2004, our highly qualified and passionate educators have been going above and beyond to ensure each student meets their educational goals.
JnC Music Centre
Our Philosophy

Every one of us has music inside them. We believe that you just have to learn to listen to it.


Character and personal growth through music, inspired by the ancient Greek tradition.


Holistic learning experience for students across all ages and levels. Fun and caring, goal-oriented and individually tailored.

What sets us apart

Individually tailored curriculum, plenty of performance opportunities, and client-focused approach

are the qualities JnC Music Centre is proud to provide—in addition to highly skilled and dedicated educators, as well as award winning students and mentors.


Online lessons are available, as well as in-person lessons with extended health and safety protocols.

For 2½ to 4 years old

An award-winning introductory program by Encore Music Education, featuring activities children of the 21st century need for cognitive development and accelerated learning.

Piano Lessons

JnC Music Center is best known through its piano course. Our students have been featured in ABRSM High Scorers Concert and Diploma Awards Ceremony, won both local and regional competitions, scored distinctions in examinations, awarded merit-scholarships by major international conservatories, et cetera.

String Lessons

Learning string instruments in particular help train your child’s mental coordination and give them a better appreciation in music. Explore string instruments with one of the best instructors in town!

Group Lessons

Some students benefit and succeed more from group lessons. These students learn better in a group study situation, where they can feed off of the energy of the group and exchange ideas in a friendly, yet competitive environment.


Led by two senior educators with a combined teaching experience of over 70 years, our team consists of highly skilled trainers who dedicate themselves into transferring their knowledge to young musicians.


From well-equipped teaching studios to rich music collections, JnC Music Centre provides a state-of-the art facility within its premise to create an optimal learning environment.

updates and activities

Annual concerts and competitions are parts of our regular events.

Purposely held to expose our students to various performance opportunities,
we believe in the importance of training one’s confidence along with technical and musical capabilities.

Annual concerts and competitions are parts of our regular events.

Purposely held to expose our students to various performance opportunities,
we believe in the importance of training one’s confidence along with technical and musical capabilities.

How unique is JnC Music Centre to the other music schools?

Why should my kids learn music?

Would I be able to have a free trial before making any decision?

These are the frequently asked questions that would pop up when considering to start a music education. We have compiled a list of FAQ to help you get a clearer picture.


Hear what our students and their parents say about their learning experiences.


Mika had learned in a different music school before, then moved to a private lesson, then a friend introduced us to JnC Music Centre.

JnC Music Centre is a music school that is very attentive to her skills, not only to her achievements on the competition after competition every year. Personally I think, music competition is wasting time and money if one is not well prepared.

Ms. Caecil as the headmaster is very detail oriented and passionate with music, especially piano. She ain’t a young teacher, but I’m amazed that she’s really good with kids and eager to learn about nowadays situation.

Ms. Caecil really put her heart into teaching her students that sometimes she would give extra time if she had free schedule afterwards. During her private lesson, Ms. Caecil won’t stop you to advance.
She’ll give as much material as the student can digest, so it is not possible for you to be at certain level in a shorter time.

Within 2 weeks, Mika’s skills improve a lot. She has better finger posture, better reading and hearing skill that she is able to find tunes from her favorite cartoon movies. She is also learn chords within the first month and come up with a musical note.
Very very impressed with Ms. Caecil’s teaching skills.

Mikayla's Mom

If your child studies piano, check if their left and right hands can play with different articulations, beats, or volume—as if having their own independent mind.

When I was still teaching piano actively, hand independence is one of the skills that I instill since early. It’s not easy and they will struggle, but eventually they’ll overcome. Unfortunately, I saw many students out there who still haven’t got the ability, even after years of training.

Thanks to Ms. Caecilia at JnC Music Centre, Raven can now play with different articulations on each hand. Even after many struggles and occasional tantrums, all these are achieved by studying here in only less than a year—even while going through some online lessons period during the pandemic.

Raven's Mom, Former Piano Teacher

Schedule your lesson now!

Consult or just drop your inquiries, and we will help you to find the program that fits your needs.

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