JnC Music Centre

JnC Online Music Concert 2020

2020 has been a surprising year to everyone, including us and our students.

Our New Year Concert at Grand City Mall last January was our last offline event before the pandemic hits the country. After the sudden outbreak and PSBB was administered, nearly all teaching and learning activities switched to online-based. And like everybody else—school teachers and students, office workers, businessmen, you name it—we too, struggled with the abrupt change.

Having to familiarize ourselves with the new online meeting platforms was only a tip of the iceberg. The real challenges lie in the communication and knowledge transfer process. Usually we can just fix their hand posture directly by touch, and tell them if something’s wrong or need to be improved right at the very second—but with the new limitations, our pace changed, whether we want it or not.

It’s not easy for our students and their parents too. But fortunately, must of us have the same belief—after a day of Zoom classes at school, music lessons are becoming even more important as a stimulus to the children’s cognitive and motoric abilities. Thus, despite the obstacles, we strived together and were able to present the learning result once again in our regular concert.

But this time, virtually.

JnC Music Centre presents our Online Music Concert 2020, a collection of performances especially prepared by our teachers, students, and parents during the early pandemic period. The three-sessions concert, which premiered on September 26th and 27th, is a proof that new challenges should never stop our learning spirit.

Enjoy the show!

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