JnC Music Centre

Year End Concert 2018 – Part 1, at JnC Recital Hall

Concerts and competitions are parts of our regular event every year. We always have at least one concert each year, but this time we’re taking a bigger challenge—aside from our Chinese New Year Concert, we’re having a Year End Concert series, which was divided into three parts. The first part is held on December 9th, in our very own Recital Hall.

Prof. Jusak Nugraha giving the opening speech to start the concert.
Little Abigail telling the audience how she practiced her piece for the concert.
A beautiful piano performance by Gracia.
Another captivating performance by Aaron.
Not only solo, some duet and even trio pieces were presented. Duet and Trio pieces bring new challenges to our students especially rhythmically, but these obstacles are actually the stairs they need to advance their ability.
Time to give some appreciation for our hardworking students, for their perseverance of preparing their best performance!
See you in the next concert!

Click to see Part 2 and Part 3 of the Year End Concert 2018.